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Kelly Lee

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Morgan Murray


  I was born in Fayetteville, NC on February 24, 1982. I was creative from an early age and started drawing as soon as I was old enough to pick up a pencil or pen. From that point, I fell in love with art and was my favorite pastime and hobby in my youth. However, despite my talents, and just a few years after high school, I decided to join the service. From 2003 till 2006, I served in the US Army as an Infantry soldier. I was deployed to

Iraq in 2004, and received a purple heart for injuries sustained during combat. After service, in 2006, I moved to NYC, where an ambition to do art was reborn again. It was then  I began tattooing for a living. Five years later in 2011, with a decent amount of tattoo time under my belt, I left NYC for the California bay area. It was there in San Francisco I attended the Academy of Art University (AAU). I earned my BFA in 2015 with a focus on painting and drawing. I then stayed and worked in the bay area until 2020. It has been my travels, experience, and opportunities that separate me as an artist and tattooer from others. I have been acquainted with and taught things here and thereby a number of amazing artists that has helped me to cultivate my talents into the skills they are today. You will get nothing but the best in professionalism and quality when working with me.

Presently I live and work in Clinton, NC where I continue the awesome trade of tattooing as well as other forms or art

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